The specialty PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy give you more comfort
When you have get your PADI Open Water certification, do you remember how your instructor was perfectly neutraly boyant underwater ? He was steady and kept horizontal position, no jerky movements, and especially his kicking only served to move forward ? He has explained that masterting buoyancy with his BCD help hi to move efficiently underwater. Mastering buoyancy or at least know the key points, there is the speciality PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy.
Resume the basics
The concept of buoyancy was addressed throughout your PADI Open Water training. To control your buoyancy you have two ways : the first (and main) way is your BCD, and then to fine-tune your level you would use your lungs. That was a new skill and quite complex to master, your instructor will generally not insist on these skills which could create a blocking.
You can learn to control your buoyancy by accumulating experience. Or not. The main risk for new divers is quickly forget what they learnt, and take bad habits. The second solution is to register for the speciality PADI Peak Performance Buoyancy.
Improve your skills
In one day and two dives, your instructor will teach you how to dramatically improve your buoyancy. It will explain in detail the concepts of streamline, how to determine your proper weighting, your position in the water, efficient kicking, regulate your breathing to annihilate the effects of your breathing pattern. After the speciality Peak Performance Buoyancy, you will gain in comfort, stability, you will be more relaxed, you also reduce your air consumption and will move with more ease.
Gaining confidence
Having a neutral buoyancy is a fundamental skill in diving. Keep a permanent neutral buoyancy, you will be much serene and comfortable and can explore new activities such as underwater photography or deep diving.