After the training, it is time for the final test : PADI Instructor Examination
To finalize your PADI Instructor Development Course, you have to pass your final exam PADI Instructor Examination. Two or three days of examination. You will meet other candidates, you will share your feelings with them. Concentration and lot of Fun.
IE Orientation
The PADI Instructor Examination is composed by several parts : a theory and standards exam, an academic presentation, an open water presentation, a rescue demonstration, a confined presentation, a skills circuit. This exam is organized by PADI. The Course Director will not assess you, nor I, nor any other instructors. The jury is composed exclusively of PADI members. They guarantee the neutrality throughout the examination. Strict but open-minded, these examiners will help you. They will not give you any answer of course, but they will guide you effectively so that you find yourself the right answer. The examiners observe your attitude, your behavior and professionalism. This will allow them to balance their final judgment.
Keypoints are in your hands
Your final exam will take place over three days. If you have successfully passed your mock examination, you will succeed easily your PADI Instructor Examination. You have all the knowledges, you know where to find the required informations, you know how to interpret the informations, you have all the keys in your hand to succeed.
Why was it so easy ?
At the end of your final PADI Instructor Examination, you will be surprised how it was easy. Our PADI Instructor Development Course has been created to push you to your limits. Many times copied but never equaled. Our goal is not simply train diving instructors. Our goal is to train good diving instructors. When you have completed your final exam, be sure that you will be qualified and operational immediately.
If you already achieved a PADI Instructor Development Course in another IDC Center, you can enroll in PADI Instructor Examination under some conditions.