The PADI Sidemount diver speciality opens a new dimension in recreational diving
The PADI Sidemount diver speciality allows you in 2 days to understand the equipment of a sidemount diver : what is a harness, preparing scuba tanks, configuring the regulators, diving skills and safety procedures with sidemount gears.
Non-technical course
Often sidemount diving is considered as technical diving. This configuration is very popular with cave divers, who must pass through restrictions. The harness allows sidemount to offload its tanks quickly and move narrow passages. The sidemount is primarily a set of equipment.
A sidemount speciality for recreational diving
The objective of PADI Sidemount diver speciality is learn how to use a harness, carrying tanks on your sides, how to move in the water, how to react in case of problems, etc … while respecting the limits of recreational diving : in open water, with no overhead environment. This is not a technical course in which you will make decompression stops, you will not wear more than 2 bottles per dive, you will not go deeper than 18 meters if you are only PADI Open Water diver.
Many answers
The PADI Sidemount diver speciality lightens many answers. Without pushing the divers in PADI courses TecRec, recreational divers can enjoy sidemount diving while remaining within the limits of their prerogatives. Sidemount diving is suitable for divers suffering from backache or unable to carry heavy load. The sidemount is suitable for both dives from a boat or from the beach. The sidemount offers more safety as you carry 2 cylinders instead of one.
Steps further
The PADI Sidemount diver speciality opens doors for all sensational diving. If you can bring 2 bottles, you can become self-reliant buddy that everyone wants to have in his team. The PADI self-reliant diver distinctive speciality teaches how you to plan your own dives. You will have a redundant equipment, sidemount perfectly meets these prerequisites. If you still want more, know that if you can carry 2 bottles, you can carry more. The PADI Tec Deep diver teaches you to go up to 50 meters, reaching the limits of the scuba diving with air.